Wednesday, February 18, 2009

FOC I Like!

Went 4 massage yesterday, complimentary of my elder cousin - Shrimp Plp (a nickname between me and my brother that she will nv known), right after I complained tat I've nv been to a massage or spa before.

So she and her friend Agnest towed me along to the Body Contour centre near city hall mrt and use her package to pay for me.

Both of us got a oriental massage, body scrub and a steam bath in the end. Even though I feel like I was overcooked during the steam bath since I am the 1st and last 2 get out, being forgotten by my therapist.

After that I found out the whole package cost $3k plus, inclusive of 24 treatments.

It will be less painful if u just kill me.

Lucky for me its FOC, and the massage is rather relaxing. Although at some point (my neck), it gets rather ticklish.

It is rather enjoyable (esp the part where I dun haf 2 fork out a single cent), but I have to say I dun really like steaming since this is what I did 2 myself everyday during bathtime. And I dun overcook myself.

Btw, where's the spa part???

But I gotta say, it's nice having a cousin this rich yeah?

And yes I am gloating abt it.

Afro w/long potatoes coming up~

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